Kava Kava for Fibromyalgia

Kava Kava for FibromyalgiaToday, I have a shorter post than normal. I am only focusing on a single herb that could help you relax. If you have been dealing with fibromyalgia for any length of time you already know how important rest is, not to mention how rare good rest can be!

Kava Kava is native to the islands of the South Pacific; Fiji, Hawaii and Vanuatu are all know for their excellent kava kava. The people of  the Fiji islanders use Kava Kava as a social beverage much like we use coffee or alcohol in the states.

The Major benefits of Kava Kava is relaxation, stress and anxiety relief, and mental enhancements. Kava Kava is use to help relax striated muscles as well. Striated muscles are the muscles that can be voluntarily moved such as arm and leg muscles groups, or neck muscles. Kava Kava does NOT affect smooth muscle such as the heart muscle or diaphragm muscle used for breathing. It is proposed that the reason Kava Kava enhances mental capacities is because relaxation of stressful situations coupled with relaxation of tense or spastic muscles such as the neck muscles, allows more blood flow to the brain. Additionally, by putting some of the stressful affects aside, anyone can think clearer.

Of course we know that there are not any cures for fibromyalgia, but anything that can help soften some of the symptoms is  usually worth trying and Relaxation is very important. Whether that relaxation is experienced via deep sleep, or herbal support such as with Kava Kava, the primary point to consider is allowing the muscles to relax as much as possible, with the hopes that greater amounts of blood will perfuse into the tissues, carrying with it the molecule of life, Oxygen.

Always remember to consider herbs a drug and take them with caution. Consult with your physician and herbalist before mixing herbs with any medications you may be taking for fibromyalgia. Sometimes certian herbs are not meant to be combined with medications that are hard on your liver or if the herb acts in the same way as a medication you are taking. Also remember to research herb companies that have a good track record and are reputable. The FDA does not regulate herbs or any supplements, so anyone could put some grass in a bottle and call it an herb. Make sure you do your research before buying any herbs.

I would love to hear from you. If you currently are taking Kava Kava, share with our community how it is work for you! If you have questions about this or any other herbs, ask and lets figure it out together!



  1. 9 years ago