Your Doctor May Be Wrong and What To Do About It
It’s not your fault, you want to trust your Doctor right? Normally that is the logically sound thing to do, place your trust in your physician to take proper care of you. However, with fibromyalgia the sad truth is that many Doctor’s today still don’t recognize fibromyalgia as a real condition and those that do many times do not know how to properly treat it.
On our website, facebook page and group, I have seen a growing trend of people asking how to get their doctor to listen…
This is not an easy thing to do! I have learned over the years however that it is possible! Something to keep in mind, you know your body better than anyone! Do not let your doctor push you around or give you the run around about your sickness! I had a doctor for over a decade. I thought he was amazing until I realized that I had fibromyalgia. He was honestly not sure how to treat the disease. This picture really does make sense to me. Sometimes doctors truly do not know how to respond and treat fibromyaglia. I know that many reading this would agree.
Don’t Give Up
Please do not let bad doctor experiences stop you from receiving help from a doctor who truly cares. I found an Internalist who has been able to treat the fibromyaglia and actually has a clue about the disease. She cares about how I feel and my opinion on how to treat this condition. I am very open and honest with her about how I feel about my treatment at the time.
If you do not agree with your current medical treatment, tell your doctor. If the doctor does not agree, see about a second opinion. Your life is worth upsetting some people if necessary. We deal with enough pain and depression/anxiety. Don’t let your doctor add to the fire…
Be careful!
Please be aware of taking opioid drugs for long periods of time! I found myself in this position and ended up having to rehab out off of them. I was on the Fentenyl patch for two years along with Percocet. Most people who use this are terminally ill. I know we feel like a terminal patient but there are other ways to treat the pain. Please do no get me wrong, I still have to use painkillers during a flare up, but I am SUPER conscientious about how much I take and for how long. I want others to know my story and how I have fought with this pain. It is nothing to be ashamed of. I am very open about my situation and what I have had to go through and deal with. Just like with Rehab, I only speak of this to help others. It was a very tough few days but I came out stronger and feeling better. The less I stay on, in the opioid family, the better I feel. Opioids effect the brain in that the medicines anchor to the neuron pathways to stop the pain. Since the medicine can mimic the natural endorphins produced in the brain, this makes them very addictive. When exercising the brain produces these endorphins which also help with mood and pain. I am sure someone is saying “ya, right… exercise” but you would be amazed how much better you feel when exercising. That is just another way to help keep your body and mind going but at peace.
Natural Options
I have found that taking valerian root helps with the pain and anxiety that comes along with fibromyalgia. If you haven’t tried this supplement, talk with your doctor and see if this is an option. I take it in the morning and at night. This helps ease my anxiety in a natural way. When the anxiety is bad enough, I do also take Ativan which helps me sleep at night. There are obviously many different anxiety medicines that can help. Speak with your doctor to find out what is best for you! Please do not take my word as medical advice. I am only speaking from experience. In my time, experience has shown to be more useful than many expertise opinions.
Also, I use two old goats lotion. This works great! My husband wrote a full article about it here if you would like to learn more this lotion. Its a all natural lotion that helps ease pain. I would not endorse these products if I had not tried them first and have great results! You can find it on their website, on ebay and amazon. We also carry it at our store here on the site.
A Special Giveaway
This is my 2nd post here on MFD and I wanted to do something special. I would like to give the first 3 people to comment on this post a free copy of our book “My Fibromyalgia Breakthrough”! This is an amazing ebook with tips and tricks of living and treating Fibromyalgia. I will respond to all who comment and please email me at if there is anything I can do for you. Please always remember you are NOT ALONE! We are walking through this journey with you! God Bless
If you know anyone that this article could be helpful for, would you please share it with them?
Disclaimer: I am sharing my thoughts and parts of my story. Please understand the information in this article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Simply to encourage you to find the RIGHT medical professional.
I am replying to your article and hoping to receive the book free lol. What is Valarian Root? Then with the Two Old Goats do you use it as a massage lotion or just rub it in where it hurts? You may have said that but I haven’t read the article about it yet.
Hey Tanya, thanks for the comment. Send Jessica an email to and she will hook you up a copy of the ebook.
… I’ll let her respond to your questions since it’s her article
Hey Tanya! First off, I will be sending you the ebook today.
Please send me an email so I can send the book to you.
Valarian Root is a natural herb that comes in different forms (ie- pill, liquid, ect…) Here is a little info about it. : Valerian is an herb. Medicine is made from the root.
Valerian is most commonly used for sleep disorders, especially the inability to sleep (insomnia). It is frequently combined with hops, lemon balm, or other herbs that also cause drowsiness. Some people who are trying to withdraw from the use of “sleeping pills” use valerian to help them sleep after they have tapered the dose of the sleeping pill. There is some scientific evidence that valerian works for sleep disorders, although not all studies are positive.
Valerian is also used for conditions connected to anxiety and psychological stress including nervous asthma, hysterical states, excitability, fear of illness (hypochondria), headaches, migraine, and stomach upset.
Some people use valerian for depression, mild tremors, epilepsy, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Valerian is used for muscle and joint pain. Some women use valerian for menstrual cramps and symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes and anxiety.
Sometimes, valerian is added to bath water to help with restlessness and sleep disorders.
In manufacturing, the extracts and oil made from valerian are used as flavoring in foods and beverages.
How does it work?
Valerian seems to act like a sedative on the brain and nervous system.
oh also, the lotion i use to massage my legs and when im hurting. it smells great too! lol
Hey Tanya, I would like to send you your free copy of our book. When you get this, please email me at
I am newly diagnosed and am still trying to learn about what to take, what to do and many many other questions.
Sylvia, I know that it is not a diagnosis you want to receive, but the more you learn about it the easier it is to live with it. I am more than happy to answer ALL of your questions. Feel free to ask on here or email me at . The biggest thing to remember is that you are not alone and you will make it through it all! Please email me with any questions! If you haven’t joined out group on facebook, think about joining. We are a support system to each other. I would like to send you a copy of our book that will help start you on your journey! Please email me and I will get that to you today! Thanks!!
I am so happy that you found a Dr that supports and listens to you. Please tell me more about Valerian Root and what it does to your level of pain, meaning does it make it more bearable, diminish it entirely, etc.
Melinda,, Thank you for your comment. The valarian root works great to help my pain. It makes it more bearable it does not diminish it completely but it is a BIG help! It also helps me with anxiety/depression… here is a link and some very helpful info about Valarian Root-
Valerian is an herb. Medicine is made from the root.
Valerian is most commonly used for sleep disorders, especially the inability to sleep (insomnia). It is frequently combined with hops, lemon balm, or other herbs that also cause drowsiness. Some people who are trying to withdraw from the use of “sleeping pills” use valerian to help them sleep after they have tapered the dose of the sleeping pill. There is some scientific evidence that valerian works for sleep disorders, although not all studies are positive.
Valerian is also used for conditions connected to anxiety and psychological stress including nervous asthma, hysterical states, excitability, fear of illness (hypochondria), headaches, migraine, and stomach upset.
Some people use valerian for depression, mild tremors, epilepsy, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Valerian is used for muscle and joint pain. Some women use valerian for menstrual cramps and symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes and anxiety.
Sometimes, valerian is added to bath water to help with restlessness and sleep disorders.
In manufacturing, the extracts and oil made from valerian are used as flavoring in foods and beverages.
How does it work?
Valerian seems to act like a sedative on the brain and nervous system.
I want to send you a copy of our book, free of charge. Please send me an email at I look forward to speaking with you!
Hey Melinda! I would like to send you your free copy of our book. When you get this, please email me at
I’m very interested in trying Valerain I assume that’s easily found with other supplements. I do have a few questions. Can I take while taking pain meds to hopefully wean off. Also the lotion you mentioned, could you tell me where to get it & about how much it costs. I have terrible pain in my legs & feet all the time & almost everywhere else at times. Thanks for your help.
Hello Deb,
Valerian root is a natural way to help with anxiety and some pain. Weaning off medicine is not easy as my wife can attest to, but using things like valerian root and melatonin can help with some of the symptoms. Do you have a good Doctor that listens to you? If so, I’d suggest talking with him/her about weening off medicines if that is what you feel like is the best thing for you to do. You could also go see an herbalist at your local herb store. I know my wife uses several herbs now and essential oils like lavender and peppermint. The two goats lotion can be found on ebay, amazon and we have it on our store page as well. Different sizes are different prices. Hope that helps
Hey Deb! Yes ma’am… Valarian root can be found at most supplement stores. Don’t get the one from walmart it doesn’t work as well. I found that out the hard way. LOL I got the okay from my doctor to take it with my medicines, but you may want to check with your PCP to make sure. The lotion is amazing! It is pricey but so worth it. We have it for sale in our Fibromyalgia Store. There is a link on this website. Please note we do not set the prices so Im sorry its kinda expensive but you will really see a difference with it! Here is the link then click on treatments and its called Two Old Goats lotion. Let me know if you have any questions! Take Care
I recently got the unpleasant news of being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I researched the medicine the doctor is suggesting, which after looking into it further I will not be trying. I am curious about your experiences with herbal remedies, valerian root, as well as many others. Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I couldn’t agree more about the medications! In 2010 I was on 34 different types of meds. March 20, 2011 my birthday I began to have seizures. I had been taking tramadol for migrains. I could take one and if the migrain wasn’t better in two hours I could take another. This migrain was bad worst I have ever had. I took the second one and went to hide in my super dark room. Next thing I knew I was having the first seizure. I ended up in the hallway half screaming in pain when my husband heard me. The second one happened with him there. I had no control over my body when I would come around I was very confused. Two days in the hospital having a total of 46 small seizures. I was told it was an anxiety attack. They gave me meds for that and sent me home. I decided then to detox myself. Several very upsetting and painful weeks but I did it. I am now on only 4 meds and 2 of those are as needed. I fill the scripts for the just in case times but haven’t had to use them. I am on a diet for fibro and it seems to be helping. All the flares I get now are usually stress related.Good luck to you!! Someday there will be a cure.