Author Archive
11 Jul 2013
Fibromyaligia Treatments
Some find that getting a massage on a regular basis can reduce pain tremendously. That is my number one recommendation. Nutrition isĀ also highly important with this physical condition.Things to Avoid: caffeine products, sugar, processed foods and
10 Jul 2013
Pulsating Electromagnetic Field Therapy
Pulsating Electromagnetic Therapy is shifting the paradigm of pain management. You can be pain free without drugs! This video explores how it all works. Dr. Oz Recommends PEMFT PEMFs work to: Reduce pain, inflammation, the effects of
10 Jul 2013
Holy Basil For Fibromaylgia
Loosing control to a drug often generates additional anxieties and this in the long term may not be of benefit. One emerging natural agent that has an established role in traditional recipes originating from India is Holy
9 Jul 2013
Superfoods to Fight Fibro
1. apricots 2. avocados 3. raspberries 4. tomatoes 5. cantaloupe melon 6. cranberry juice 7. raisins 8. figs 9. lemons & limes 10. onions 11. artichokes 12. ginger 13. broccoli 14. spinach 15. bok choy 16. pumpkin
8 Jul 2013
Fibromyalgia vs. Vegetarian & Raw Vegan Diets
Plant-based diets may be effective for the treatment of fibromyalgia, a painful condition suffered by millions. One thing all sufferers should consider is an aspartame-free trial period (see…). Why do plant-based diets help with chronic pain
7 Jul 2013
5 Tips For Proper Fibromyalgia Diets
In order to treat or completely eliminate fibromyalgia, many doctors advocate adjusting your diet for levels of energy and immune system enhancement. Though you likely suffer from a number of fibromyalgia symptoms, if proper diet eliminates or
6 Jul 2013
Exercises for fibromyalgia patients
Other exercises for fibromyalgia patients. Learn exercise tips to ease symptoms of fibromyalgia in this free medical treatment video from a professional yoga instructor. Expert: Philene Trevathan is a certified fitness instructor and personal trainer.
5 Jul 2013
Healing Properties Of A Good Fibromyalgia Diet
All people who suffer from fibromyalgia are overwhelmed by its variety of symptoms. Fibromyalgia is considered to be a serious neurological condition that in time can lead to many complications. Although millions of people worldwide are confronted
3 Jul 2013
How to Eat for Fibromyalgia
If a person has fibromyalgia, cytotoxins should be avoided, and these are often found in artificial sweeteners and lunch meats. Learn about feelings of fatigue that are associated with fibromyalgia with help from a registered and licensed
2 Jul 2013
Fibromyalgia Alternative Therapies
Fibromyalgia is a terrible condition and people affected by it are often overwhelmed by its symptoms and effects. A disturbing fact is that although several million people suffer from fibromyalgia in the United States alone, modern medicine
1 Jul 2013
Pain Relief For Fibromyalgia
The first step to fibromyalgia pain relief is being properly diagnosed. The condition is not completely understood by the medical community, and there is no specific course of treatment. Most advice given to patients reads like a