Education Archive
16 Apr 2014
Your Doctor May Be Wrong and What To Do About It
It’s not your fault, you want to trust your Doctor right? Normally that is the logically sound thing to do, place your trust in your physician to take proper care of you. However, with fibromyalgia the sad
9 Apr 2014
10 Tips On Traveling For Fibromyalgia Sufferers
By Jessica Tomlinson On 9 April 2014 In Education
Hey Everyone! First, let me introduce myself. My name is Jessica Tomlinson, wife of Ryan Tomlinson. He first got the idea to start this site and try to help others because I was assessed with Fibromyalgia. After
2 Apr 2014
Treating Fibro With The Power Of Natural Remedies
Fibromyalgia is believed to affect about five to six million Americans with the majority of the patients being females.
When it comes down to choosing alternative medicines for fibromyalgia you will do well to take nutritional supplements
21 Mar 2014
Papaya for Fibromyalgia + Recipe
Fibromyalgia can make everyday life just plain miserable. The severe pain, body aches, and sleeplessness can be enough to drive you insane. What’s worse is the way some allopathic physicians treat patients with the condition. It’s not
9 Mar 2014
Sleeping tips for fibromyalgia sufferers
Trying to get sleep for many fibromyalgia sufferers is like trying to nail jello to the wall. It just isn’t very easy to do! The sleeping tips below are just a few basic tips to try to
3 Mar 2014
Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Fibromyalgia
The role of inflammation in fibromyalgia has been the topic of research and debate for decades. In fact, the condition used to be called “fibrositis,” which means “fibrous-tissue inflammation.” The medical community came to use fibromyalgia (“fibrous-tissue
28 Feb 2014
Look after your Liver – Liver cleanse for Fibromyalgia
Look after your Liver & it will look after you The Liver may not have the romanticism of the heart, or the wit & intelligence of the brain, but it is an amazing organ and certainly deserves
19 Feb 2014
Muscle Relaxants for Fibromyalgia
Muscle Relaxants: Do they work for fibromyalgia? Your muscles are tight and achy. You may even feel ropy bands with firm knots in the mid-section of the muscle. These are myofascial trigger points, and their location often
14 Feb 2014
18 Points Used to Diagnose Fibromyalgia
By Ryan Tomlinson On 14 February 2014 In Education
Diagnosing fibromyalgia isn’t easy. There are no blood tests or X-ray tests for diagnosing fibromyalgia. Tests are done to exclude other possible diagnoses. Therefore, the diagnosis of fibromyalgia is made purely on clinical grounds based on the
5 Feb 2014
Role of Chiropractic in Managing Fibromyalgia
Hello Fibro Friends, Today I have the great privilege of sharing an article from a good friend of mine; Dr. Joshua Forbes from the Synergy Chiropractic Wellness Center. At Synergy Chiropractic Wellness Center everything they do has
3 Feb 2014
Vitamin D for Fibromyalgia?
There is some new research claiming that taking Vitamin D supplements may reduce pain in fibromyalgia sufferers. Using Vitamin D can be a low cost way to compliment your other fibromyalgia treatments. This research has shown that