Fitness Archive
1 Dec 2014
The Neurological and Psychological Effects of Fibromyalgia in Women
Fibromyalgia Syndrome is a disease that may affect women’s psychological and neurological wellbeing. Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is defined as a musculoskeletal pain and tenderness throughout the body (Bjorkegren, Wallander, Johansson & Svardsudd, 2009). FMS is a chronic
5 Feb 2014
Role of Chiropractic in Managing Fibromyalgia
Hello Fibro Friends, Today I have the great privilege of sharing an article from a good friend of mine; Dr. Joshua Forbes from the Synergy Chiropractic Wellness Center. At Synergy Chiropractic Wellness Center everything they do has
19 Nov 2013
Stretching for Fibromyalgia
Compared with aerobics and strength training, less research has been done on the benefits of stretching for people with fibromyalgia. But some findings do suggest that stretching exercises, including those used in physical therapy and yoga, may
29 Oct 2013
Aqua Therapy: Exercise for those that can’t Exercise
Recently one of our articles Exercise Tips for Fibromyalgia went a little viral and we received thousands of views a day on this article. However, one of the underlining themes of those commenting and sharing there experiences
10 Oct 2013
Exercise Tips For Fibromyalgia Sufferers
If you are one of the millions now suffering from fibromyalgia, a carefully constructed exercise regime could prove very beneficial. However, it is key to implement your exercise time carefully and with a plan in mind. Today
5 Sep 2013
Restorative Yoga For Fibromyalgia
Exercise for fibromyalgia that allows you to lay in comfortable positions for long time periods. Does it get any better that that? Does it really help? Restorative Yoga gives you a nice supportive block under your lower
20 Aug 2013
Studies Show Benefits Of Yoga for Fibromyalgia
According to a small study on the benefits of yoga for fibromyalgia, individuals that practice yoga regularly showed significant improvements. Results stemming from a research study conducted from the United Arab Emirates, among 47 patients (26 yoga
14 Aug 2013
Exercise for Fibromyalgia Pain
Physical activity is not always easy when you have fibromyalgia. You can’t do much on the days you’re fighting fibro fatigue. It is easy to be tempted to overdue it on the days you are feeling pretty
10 Aug 2013
Water Exercises for Fibromyalgia
There are a few different things that doctors generally recommend their patients do when they are dealing with fibromyalgia. The most important thing is that each patient is treated on a case to case basis because no
1 Aug 2013
The Importance of Proper Fibromyalgia Food and Exercise
There are a few different steps that are important for a fibromyalgia sufferer to take once they know that this is a condition that they are dealing with. Perhaps the most important above all else is for
29 Jul 2013
Does Exercise Help Fibromyalgia ?
Many people seek help for fibromyalgia pain for so many years without getting a specific treatment that actually works for them. Most of these people have the same question in their minds; does exercise help fibromyalgia? This
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