Fibromyalgia – The Sleep Disorder
I think of fibromyalgia as a sleep disorder in many respects. More than 95 percent of people with fibromyalgia describe their sleep as being poor in quality. Sleep is light and unrefreshing in fibromyalgia, and followed by
Juicing Fast For Fibromyalgia
Today I watched a very inspiring and eye opening Documentary on Juicing by Joe Cross. It’s called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Joe is from Australia, was 100 pounds overweight and was on high dose Prednisone due
4 Tips To Manage Fibromyalgia
Although the cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown, the widespread pain is very real and overwhelming. Below are a few suggestions to best manage fibro. These have been gathered from our facebook page and facebook group, from
What I Did To Turn My Life & Fibromylagia Around
Just a bit about me as the writer so you can relate to me & my journey and maybe it gives you hope and inspiration as the reader of my article & it will support you on
Reflexology as a Fibromyalgia Treatment
I recently posted a status reaching out to my friends on facebook to see if any of my facebook friends had fibromyalgia. I asked if they “anything they tried helped?” There was so much great advice and
Healing Touch – Fibromyalgia Massage
For many, fibromyalgia (fibro) affects quality of life. A licensed massage therapist will treat many clients challenged with this condition. Unfortunately there is no cure, but massage is a viable option to help ease the pain. Massage
Gluten Free Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Pancakes
Since going gluten free, I have a been missing pancakes like crazy. This recipe totally satisfies my need for a treat, with the added bonus of being very high protein. If you have a sweet tooth like
8 Gift Ideas For Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Gifts can be tricky for anyone, when it comes to finding something for a fibro sufferer it can’t be even harder. Certain body washes can give a rash, perfumes can cause headaches and other gifts simply are
5 Quick Fibromyalgia Facts
3 to 5 percent of the general population are affected by fibromyalgia(1) Scientists estimate that fibromyalgia affects 5 million Americans 18 or older. (a) Occurs in people of all ages, even children. More women are diagnosed with fibromyalgia,
4 Common Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia sufferers complain of many symptoms that cause discomfort throughout the entire body. Here are 4 common symptoms of fibromyalgia… 1. Pain I’m sure pain was not a hard symptom to guess. An estimated 5.8 million people
Bone Broth for Fibromyalgia
A food that is starting to get recognition for it’s amazing health benefits is bone broth.Many experts are saying that bone broth is the #1 thing you can consume to: Overcome foods intolerance’s and allergies Improve joint