Superfoods to Fight Fibro


1. apricots
2. avocados
3. raspberries
4. tomatoes
5. cantaloupe melon
6. cranberry juice
7. raisins
8. figs
9. lemons & limes
10. onions
11. artichokes
12. ginger
13. broccoli
14. spinach
15. bok choy
16. pumpkin or squash
17. garlic
18. arugula
19. wheat germ/oatmeal
20. quinoa
21. nuts and peanuts
22. lentils
23. yogurt and skim milk
24. salmon and shrimps

After  a ton of research online, this list is what is compiled to be the ultimate super food list. If you can start eating more of these foods and less of foods with gluten, yeast and sugar, I believe it will make a big difference in your fibro pain.


What do you think? Did we miss anything?