8 Foods for Pain Relief

8 foods for pain reliefI found this great Info graphic on pinterest and thought it would be perfect for our Audience.

As fibromyalgia sufferers pain is on the top of the list of things that suck about this condtion. Pain can be triggered by several different things but one way to lower pain levels we like to share is through your diet.

There are a number of things that you can eat that will help relieve inflammation, joint pains and aches. Take a look at our list of foods that can help you fight the pain!


1. Ginger

This small root is recommended for easing nausea but has also been found to fight inflammation! You can use it to flavor dishes ranging from stir-fry to gingerbread cookies!

2. Cookies

No! We’re not kidding. It has been shown that eating sweet foods, like cookies, chocolate or ice cream; can help reduce the perception of pain. Even smelling cookies will help! Let the world rejoice!

Ok, Ryan Here, let me step in here for a minute. Many fibro patients have found out they are gluten intolerant, so maybe you could try making some gluten free cookies! I have had them before and if done right can be very yummy. Also make sure to use common sense. Your whole diet shouldn’t consist of sweets. In my opinion the only reason sweets may help with pain is just because of the endorphins it sends. Don’t make a habit of eating a ton of sweets :)

3. Olive Oil

People who eat a traditional Mediterranean diet seem to have fewer health conditions related to, joint disease or diabetes.

4. Salmon

This deap-sea fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This can help relieve joint pain and inflammation. Salmon also contains calcitonin which may protect against osteoarthritis.

5. Red Grapes

These delicious fruits contain resveratrol, a compound that has anti-inflammatory benefits. You can find resveratrol in berries and peanuts too. Research has shown that when you combine resveratrol with turmeric, they combine to fight inflammation and reduce your pain!

6. Thyme

In the lab, thyme was as effective as anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone in reducing pain perception. Researchers are not sure how thyme does this but it’s been shown to be a great way to reduce pain and inflammation. Just throw the tiny herb leaves in with your cooking to enhance flavor and taste!

7. Fish Oil

Fish oil contains at least two essential omega-3 fatty acids-eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These two fatty acids are proven to black the creation of inflammatory chemicals in your body. They can also help preven agaisn’t rheumatoid arthritis, Chrohn’s diseas, gout and sinusitis.

8. Tart Cherries

According to research from Michigan State University, eating 20 tart cherries may relieve pain better than an aspirin. Cherries contain antioxidants that might help reduce pain from arthritis, gout and inflammation.

What foods have tried that relieves your pain? Let us know in the comments below!

Reference: I believe this to be the original source: thereadystore.com/food-storage/3640/8-foods-for-pain-relief/ … but I have found the infographic a few places so not 100% sure. Also I am not sure what research was done to back these claims. Always consult with your Doctor before trying a new diet.
  1. 8 years ago